Læs vores analyse af policyudviklingen til fremme af de kulturelle og kreative erhverv i Norden 2007-2012.
KreaNord Investors
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Inom ramen för KreaNord drivs ett antal aktiviteter och projekt som syftar till att möta behovet av ett gemensamt nordiskt utvecklings- och policyarbete inom området kreativa industrier.
Er du investor og på udkig efter morgendagens svar på LEGO, Angry Birds eller Skype så tilmeld dig CBC Investor Day tirsdag den 18. november 2014. De bedste kreative start-ups fra mere end 60 lande vil under den internationale finale i Creative Business Cup i København...
The transformation towards a sustainable society requires not only technological progress and innovative solutions, but also a strong cultural sector that inspires change in consumption and production. An article in the latest issue of the Nordic Council of Ministers'...
GEO food project is running! Magma Geopark from Norway and Rokua Geopark in Finland run their information meeting with the local stakeholders. During the meeting the Geoparks explain the project´s aims, the goals and the advantage to participate in the project for...
Der er mange af den type organisationer rundt om i Europa, som arbejder med at forbinde kunstnere, kulturelle organisationer og resten af erhvervslivet. For nogle er fokus sponsorater af de kulturelle erhvervs organisationer, for andre er det innovations-samarbejder...
Europe-Asia Roundtable (EARS) is making Helsinki, Finland, the Hub where Europe meets Asia by bringing together creative industry professionals on the 4th-7th September 2014. The focus of the event is to discover business opportunities, share best practices and get...
The National Museum of Iceland exhibits fashion photographs of work by Steinunn Sigurdardóttir by the Swedish photographer Lisen Stibeck. The images were shot during a trip around Iceland in 2013. In them, Stibeck portrays the unique interplay between the...
Project manager for the project “Food & Creative Industries “ within the New Nordic Food program. Food as a cultural element and as a creative industry is a new creative area with great cultural and economic growth potential, often based on cross-creative collaboration. But there are many...