KreaNord Nyhedsbrev / Mars 2014 |
Nyhedsbrev fra KreaNord. Newsletter from KreaNord
KreaNord-programmet, der bliver administreret af Kulturkontakt Nord, har uddelt støtte til tre nordiske projekter med stærke forretningsaspekter. Fælles for de tre projekter, der har modtaget støtte, er at de gennem nordisk samarbejde vil styrke kreative brancher i Norden og internationalt.
Læs mere om de tre vinderprojekter og de øvrige tophistorier i dette nyhedsbrev.
The KreaNord Program, which is administered by the Nordic Culture Point, has awarded funding for three Nordic projects with strong business aspects. All three projects will strengthen the creative industries in the Nordic region and internationally through Nordic cooperation.
Read more about the three winning projects and the other top stories in this newsletter
Nyheter från oss |
13/03/2014 / Nyhed |
KreaNord-programmet, der bliver administreret af Kulturkontakt Nord, har uddelt støtte til tre nordiske projekter med stærke forretningsaspekter.Fælles for de tre projekter, der har modtaget støtte, er at de gennem nordisk samarbejde vil styrke kreative brancher i Norden og internationalt. - I vurderingen af projekterne er der lagt vægt på, at de har ...
28/03/2014 / Event |
Nordic Startup Conference 2014 – Encouraging entrepreneurship at all levels in the NordicsWe gather and we showcase top-tier players within entrepreneurship and startups in the Nordics. Our event displays the best of the Nordics and aims at strengthening the entire eco-system.We wish to encourage and enhance entrepreneurship and growth at all levels in the ...
11/03/2014 / Nyhed |
Creative Business Cup is heading for the Global Entrepreneurship Congress (GEC) in Moscow. At GEC we will reveal some exciting new opportunities that creative entrepreneurs from around the world can benefit from, even before the international Finals in Copenhagen in November. You can find us at the Plenary Hall, March 20 at 17.30 right before the official closing ...
21/01/2014 / Nyhed |
ZINC SHOWER starts up the machinery for its second edition to help drive the cultural and creative industries. ZINC SHOWER opens the second call for proposals on the 13th January in order to choose the 100 business projects that are transforming the sector
- The invitation for proposals has been extended to projects from within the gastronomy and cultural tourism areas, which ...
04/03/2014 / Rapport |
Having hit a major hurdle in the VikingGold project, the value chain and the project partners had a chance to meet during Norwegian Fashion Hub in Oslo, as the first day was dedicated to “From fibers to fashion”. The project was presented along with a very general description of the hurdle that now seemed impossible to overcome, to a room full of both project participants, but also students ...
21/02/2014 / Post |
Karlbak er taget på Færøerne for at afholde en inspirationsdag for kvinder, der har lyst til at prøve kræfter med entreprenørskab. Margrete Bak fra Karlbak er i den forbindelse blevet interviewet på Færøsk radio. Lyt til interviewet på linket og bliv inspireret af Margrete og Juttu Helgadóttirs gode idéer og indsigter!
KreaNord har varit ett nordiskt initiativ från 2008 till 2014 med syfte att förbättra tillväxtmöjligheterna för regionens kulturella och kreativa näringar.
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Sök eller ladda upp nordiska rapporter om de kreativa näringarna. Registrera din rapport för publicering i Kreanords rapportdatabas.
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