KreaNord Nyhedsbrev / Maj 2014

Nyhedsbrev fra KreaNord. Newsletter from KreaNord

I dette nyhedsbrev har vi udvalgt følgende artikler til dig. In this newsletter we have chosen the following posts for you:



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Nyheter från oss

EntreNord workshops, 2014

11/05/2014 / Entrenord_post

--- See below for Danish version --- Entrenord is an initiative under Kreanord, Nordic Council of Ministers. The focus is on entrepreneurship in the arts education across the Nordic countries.In 2012 and 2013, ...

Summer Workshop | Archaism, Amnesia and Anarchy in/of Architecture

08/06/2014 / Event

University of Iceland, Iceland Academy of the Arts, Íslenski Bærinn, University of Aberdeen and Háskólafélag Suðurlands join forces for a summer workshop in Architecture. 

After work seminar on innovation voucher schemes and cultural tourism in Brussels

12/06/2014 / Event

Vouchers are a popular instrument in business support departments, but are they also the right option to trigger innovation in the cultural and creative sector? This was one of the questions that formed the basis for the study Innovation vouchers for creative industries from a comparative perspective, conducted by Volante Research on behalf of Creative Capital Conference (C2C), a ...

krea nord

Top 15 til Creative Business Cup Denmark er fundet

26/05/2014 / Nyhed

15 virksomheder er gået videre i Creative Business Cup Denmark 2014 konkurrencen - som er Danmarksmesterskaberne for kreative iværksættere. Tak til juryen for jeres indsats og tak til alle deltagende virksomheder.Virksomhederne som er gået videre er:

  • Cope it

IN PRODUCTION by Vík Prjonsdottir, Theresa Himmer & Maibritt Borgen opens at Lynfabrikken

14/05/2014 / Event

IN PRODUCTION is a material collage printed on carpet, taking the 19th century principles of spatial decoration as a jumping-off point to explore relations between technologies of production and production of subjects. The installation will be on display from May 14 until August 24. 


11/05/2014 / Entrenord_post

The arts, culture and design fields have a vast potential to contribute to society – yet a large number of professionals find it hard to make a living as artists.

  • How can we back these professionals up, so that they can establish sound entrepreneurial working lives?

Project managers, consultants, trainers and educators – we're ...

krea nord
Vad är KreaNord?
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KreaNord har varit ett nordiskt initiativ från 2008 till 2014 med syfte att förbättra tillväxtmöjligheterna för regionens kulturella och kreativa näringar.


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