15/07/2014 / Nyhed |
This is a great opportunity for 10 entrepreneurs from the creative industries and digital media to present their ventures to early stage European investors and obtain financial investment:An investment forum will be organised during the summit of the New European Media European Technology Platform in Brussels, on 30th September 2014. The investment forum will give 10 ...
13/11/2014 / Event |
Register below!Entrepreneurship in Arts Education in the Nordic Countries On November 13 – 14 2014, the second EntreNord Conference will take place in Copenhagen. This year, we address the challenge of how to establish, teach, assess and evaluate on learning goals related to ...
14/06/2014 / Event |
The Museum of Design and Applied Arts exhibits works by graphic designer Hjalti Karlsson, last year’s recipient of the Nordic Torsten and Wanja Söderberg prize.
KreaNord har varit ett nordiskt initiativ från 2008 till 2014 med syfte att förbättra tillväxtmöjligheterna för regionens kulturella och kreativa näringar.
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