CAKI Center for Applied Artistic Innovation is an incubator for the arts educations in Copenhagen. CAKI focuses on interdisciplinarity, artistic innovation and entrepreneurship.


The art schools work to...


CAKI Center for Applied Artistic Innovation is an incubator for the arts educations in Copenhagen. CAKI focuses on interdisciplinarity, artistic innovation and entrepreneurship.


The art schools work to educate highly qualified graduates with strong artistic and professional skills within their individual discipline. At CAKI we aim to complement these skills as we work to increase the professionalization of art students and to expand their employment opportunities. We do this by introducing students to artistic innovation, interdisciplinary cooperation and to starting up a career as an independent artist.

CAKIs indlæg (1)

11. mar 2014 / Event
Register below! Entrepreneurship in Arts Education in the Nordic Countries   On November 13 – 14 2014, the second EntreNord Conference will take place in Copenhagen. This year, we address the challenge of how to establish, teach, assess and evaluate...