
SPARK DESIGN SPACE exhibits at Felleshus, Berlin

12. jan 2015 / Indlæg

Spark Design Space exhibits State of the Art Design Projects from Iceland at Felleshus, Berlin from January 29 until April 10, 2015.    Reykjavik’s leading design gallery SPARK DESIGN SPACE brings four leading Icelandic design projects to the Nordic Embassy...

WE LIVE HERE at Stockholm Design Week 2015

21. dec 2014 / Indlæg

Design Forum Finland and Iceland Design Centre, the two national design promotion agencies join forces and “move to Stockholm” for Stockholm Design Week. The pilot project WE LIVE HERE explores new, collaborative ways to promote Nordic design on international venues....

10 rekommendationer för att stärka den kulturella och kreativa sektorn

19. dec 2014 / Indlæg

Vid månadsskiftet ägde ECIAs, European Creative Industries Alliance, slutkonferens rum där de presenterade tio policyrekommendationer utifrån deras arbete de senaste tre åren. Rekommendationerna är indelade i tre områden: Stimulera innovation och tillväxt genom...


19. dec 2014 / Indlæg

Tobias Nielsén höll ett föredrag på Mälardalsrådets konferens på temat ”Kreativitetens värde” i förra veckan. Nedan är hans sammanfattning av budskapet, som han ombads skriva till Mälardalsrådets webbplats. Där kommer även videoklipp att ligga. Tips: se även...

Thórunn Arnadóttir receives the first Summit Travel Grant

15. dec 2014 / Indlæg

Thórunn Arnadóttir receives the first Summit Travel Grant, a travel grant by Summit podcast that allows young Nordic designers to explore and exhibit at Stockholm Design Week 2015. The Summit Travel Grant is based on an auction held during DesignMarch 2014, for...

The Iceland Design Centre Christmas Calendar 2014

15. dec 2014 / Indlæg

Ho, ho, ho - it's Christmas time, and we celebrate with our annual Christmas Calendar over at Every day up until the 24th, we ask our friends – designers, curators, architects and other wonderful folks – to answer the question: “Which...

Reykjavík awarded the Nordic Council Nature and Environment Prize 2014

11. dec 2014 / Indlæg

The city of Reykjavík was awarded the Nordic Council Nature and Environment Prize 2014.  According to the jury, "The prize goes to the City of Reykjavik in recognition of its wide-ranging and determined commitment to the environment. Although it shared this...

Designs from Nowhere Receives the First Icelandic Design Award

11. dec 2014 / Indlæg

Designs from Nowhere receives the first Icelandic Design Award. Designs from Nowhere explores the possibilities for small-scale design and production in East Iceland, using locally sourced materials and skills. The final outcome was a collection of items exhibited at...

Study trip to Iceland for VikingGold

26. nov 2014 / Indlæg

Tourist market Already at the airport, and in all stores, whether we are talking about tourist shops, design shops, clothing stores; we see Icelandic knitting and yarn. This applies both to finished goods and raw material for own production. Knitting is thus present...

VikingGold warms wool’s standing

13. nov 2014 / Indlæg

In light of the fact that the Chinese think that wool causes allergies, it was interesting to observe the stir the VikingGold project caused during the Nordic Design and Innovation Week in Shanghai. Introducing the VikingGold project to a full venue with an audience of...

Creative Cities and Crossovers

12. nov 2014 / Indlæg

I gave a talk at the 6th Asia-Europe Culture Ministers Meeting in Rotterdam last week – and returned home with a few conclusions. The headline of the three-day conference was Creative Industries. The first conclusion was how we talked about...

Nedläggning av granskning

11. nov 2014 / Indlæg

Myndigheten för kulturanalys är en relativt ny myndighet som inrättades 2011 med uppgift att granska effekterna av den förda kulturpolitiken. Efter valet i mitten av september har den nya regeringen beslutat att Myndigheten för kulturanalys ska läggas ned. Det är inte...

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